Common Name (s): Aspidistra is a genus containing more than 200 species of flowering, evergreen, herbaceous perennial plants in the asparagus family (Asparagaceae). These plants are native to Asia and vary in size and shape. They are usually found as an understory plant in woodland areas. Leaves generally grow from the ground and the …
We'll reveal all the secrets to ideal Aspidistra Elatior care, including ideal environmental conditions, eye-catching cultivars, and the best way to propagate.
When it comes to the Aspidistra genus, there are 100 species, but most people grow the A. elatior species, but you'll also see varieties like attenuata, basalis, carnosa, and …
Aspidistra Elatior is a hardy plant, but it can still have issues with slow growth or droopy leaves. Slow Growth Growing cast-iron plants is generally a slow process, but if you're finding that yours isn't sprouting new leaves for quite some time, there could be a …
Aspidistra elatior, la planta de hierro fundido o planta de sala de bar, también conocida en japonés como haran o baran, es una especie de planta con flores en la familia Asparagaceae, nativa de Japón y Taiwán. Tolerante a la negligencia, se cultiva ampliamente como planta de interior, pero también se puede cultivar al aire libre a la …
A large Aspidistra vietnamensis Milky Way indoor plant like this could be $100 / £80 or more. Then you have the Aspidistras with stripes such as A. elatior Okame that have bold white markings. Whereas A. elatior variegata makes itself heard with its creamy white leaves, sometimes tinged with yellow or lime green.. Whether green or variegated, all …
Aspidistra elatior. Foto de Aspidistra, Hojas de salón, Hoja de lata, Hojalata - Aspidistra es una planta dura. Esta especie se caracteriza por su reducida demanda de luz, lo que permite colocarla en macetas en rincones y pasillos, donde otras plantas no resistirían. Debe regarse con moderación.
Aspidistra elatior. Características: Es una planta herbácea, perenne y rizomatosa, su follaje de color verde intenso oscuro y de grandes hojas lisas, ovaladas, coriáceas y puntiagudas, arqueándose con suma elegancia en sus peciolos. Antiguamente, era un símbolo de distinción en los hogares ingleses del siglo XIX al ser una planta típica …
برگ عبایی یک گیاه ریزوم دار و بدون ساقه هوایی است. برگهای برگ عبایی سبز رنگ و به شکل پهن و نواری هستند که جلوه براقی دارند. گیاه برگ عبایی میتواند به مدت طولانی عمر کند و به تغذیه زیادی نیاز ...
Noteworthy Characteristics. Aspidistra elatior, commonly called cast iron plant for its ability to survive significant cultural abuse, is native to China and Japan.It is an easily-maintained, stemless, evergreen foliage plant that typically grows to 3' tall. Arching, lanceolate, glossy dark green leaves (to 24" long and 4" wide) rise up directly from its fleshy rootstock on …
Remove the plant from the nursery container and gently remove the soil from around the rhizome. Place it in the new container and fill in around it with soil. Water well to settle the soil, be sure to empty …
Product Details. Aspidistra Elatior Cast Iron Plant. Aspidistra elatior belongs to the lily family and is native to China and Japan. A very popular house plant but can be planted outside in a shady sheltered area of the garden. The large paddle shaped leaves are often a dark shade of green. It is slow growing which makes it an ideal house plant ...
Aspidistra elatior grows natively in Taiwan and Japan. Common names: Cast Iron, Iron plant, Bar room: Growing Zones: USDA Hardiness Zones 6 through 11 are …
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برگ عبایی-Aspidistra elatior. 120,000 تومان – 190,000 تومان. برگ عبایی گیاهی مقاوم برای کسانی که تجربه چندانی در نگهداری از گیاهان ندارند این گیاه می تواند در تمامی شرایط به رشد خود ادامه دهد. خرید گلدان.
Aspidistra elatior 'Akebono' (or 'Zebra'): Subtle yellow striping on the leaves. Aspidistra elatior 'Variegata': Beautiful cream-colored bands of variegation. Aspidistra elatior 'Okame': Sometimes considered just a synonym for 'Variegata', but other growers insist this one is smaller and more compact.
برگ عبایی یا Aspidistra elatior یکی از محبوب ترین گیاهان آپارتمانی در زمان ویکتوریا بود به دلیل تصفیه دود ناشی از سوختن ذغال سنگ !!!!. گیاهی جذاب و بسیار مقاوم! اگر قصد دارید تازه به عاشقان گیاه بپیوندید یا اولین تجربه تان در ...
Szaporítása. Gyöktörzsének osztásával. Asparagaceae (spárgafélék) > közönséges kukoricalevél. 2. A A. / Gumó. Ez a Japánban, Kínában és Tajvanon őshonos, rizómával terjedő örökzöld dísznövény kifejezetten jól viseli a mostoha körülményeket, s igen szép díszt ad még kifejezetten fényszegény, száraz ...
Aspidistra elatior, commonly known as Cast-iron plant, Bar-room plant, and Haran or Baran in Japan, is a very attractive species of flowering plants. Member of the …
Simply take a sterilized knife or set of pruners and sever a piece of the rhizome that has at least one leaf growing off of it, and pot up each division in its own pot. Last updated: April 30, 2024. Learn all about cast iron plant care. This is a tough and easy to grow houseplant.
Пар на саксии Aspidistra elatiors. Цвет. Aspidistra elatior ― вид цветно растение од фамилијата Asparagaceae, со потекло од Јапонија и Република Кина.Отпорено на негрижа, широко се одгледува како домашно растение, но може да се одгледува и ...
Planting Aspidistra Elatior. Aspidistra elatior dislikes having its roots disturbed very often. To prevent this, it's important to select your planting location carefully. If you're growing cast iron plant indoors, select a pot that's a couple of inches wider than the root system. Cast iron plant has a rhizomatic root system that slowly ...
ハラン(、:Aspidistra elatior)は、、で、キジカクシハランのです。がしてをつくります。のいきなのをします。がくがあるので …
Latin name: Aspidistra elatior Synonyms: Aspidistra lurida Family: Convallariaceae Medicinal use of Aspidistra: The roots, stems and leaves are febrifuge, styptic and tonic. Strengthens bones and muscles. A decoction of the root, stems or leaves is used in the treatment of abdominal cramps, amenorrhoea, diarrhoea, myalgia, traumatic injuries ...
To grow a cast iron plant as a houseplant, plant it in a well-drained potting mix. Place it in a north-facing window or a low-light area away from south-facing windows. Water the plants when the soil is dry down 2 to 3 inches, allowing the water to drain from the pot. Do not leave water in the saucer. Fertilize indoor plants in the spring and ...
Place the roots into the new planter and gently fill in around it with more of the potting soil. You should fill the planter to within 2 centimeters of the top edge. Press the soil in gently to fill in any air holes. Finally, lightly water your newly potted plant and allow it …
Aspidistra elatior. Kořenokvětka, známá a oblíbená pokojovka s mohutnými, tuhými listy, dorůstá velké výšky, velmi nenáročná na péči i pro úplné začátečníky. Průměr květináče 13 cm. V týdnu 3.až 7.6. kamenná prodejna uzavřena. Jako omluvu využijte slevu 10% v košíku s kódem "VOLNO10" :)
In this plant care guide, you'll find everything you need to know to take care of the Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior). Learn how to water, fertilize, propagate and repot your plant. Keep it healthy with tips …
Stewart Black / Flickr / CC2. Varieties . A. elatior (or A. lurida): The most common species grown of the Cast Iron plant because it can withstand adverse conditions. A. I.' Variegata' ( Aspidistra elatior variegata): Features white or cream stripes on outer parts of the leaves, but otherwise is very similar to the parent plant. Common Problems. …
On average, you should water your plant once every 7-10 days in the summer and once every 10-14 days in the winter. When it comes to taking care of your Cast Iron Plant, make sure you don't give it too much water. Too much moisture can cause root rot and other issues that can damage the plant.
As a rule, the optimal temperatures for Cast-iron plants range from 60 to 75 °F (16-24 °C) all year round. Even if Cast-iron plants do not fall prey to pest infestations or fungal diseases too often, you will still have to pay some attention to your plants from time to time. Especially when you are growing them as houseplants.
Forma una mata. La Aspidistra tiene hojas de color verde intenso, muy anchas, con nerviación longitudinal muy marcada. Nacen directamente de las raíces. Es raro que las Aspidistra florezcan. Cuando lo hacen, se abren las yemas a ras de suelo y producen corolas carnosas púrpuras. Nombre científico: Aspidistra Elatior.